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A gigantic mechanical robot animal spits fire while pushing its way through the crowd in the post-apocalyptic world of Cologne’s
Deal or no deal, the UK will leave the EU on 29 March 2019. Who stands to benefit? We identified
Our research director, Natalie Novick was invited by the Global Entrepreneurship Network to present the results of her research to
Overall, the key reasons for founders to move somewhere to establish a business are access to talent (a score of
When we first think about the words “startup hub”, our initial thought is probably the image of the space between
Any type of movement – inbound or outbound – can be good for startup hubs. To name just a few
After remarkable performance in the start-up ecosystem in Europe, for the second consecutive year, the capital of Portugal gets to
That location of a startup is crucial to its success is no longer news – just think of the tech
The 2017 edition of the Startup Heatmap Europe survey ran from April to July. 321 founders from 30 countries responded to