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New Report | CTOs & Tech Co-Founders: European Startups and the Competition over Tech Talent | Get insights about tech
One of the DEEPSEA most distinctive approaches is to support the emergence and strengthening of organizations at the community level
Our alumni are spread all across the globe making impacts on their startup ecosystems. To acknowledge all of our wonderful
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a rise of remote work in the European startup ecosystem. We rank the cities with the
The Co-Founder & CEO of Vienna-based Female Founders explains how to build a female-empowered startup ecosystem Diversity and female entrepreneurship
In Europe, only 15.5% of entrepreneurs are women. Where do women thrive? See our ranking of the best places for
DEEPSEA East Africa Pitching Day: Activating East African Ecosystem through Innovative Projects
New research by the Startup Heatmap reveals that only 15.5% of entrepreneurs in Europe are female. The organization analyzed >20,000
Latin American startup ecosystem builders launch 7 new initiatives for sustainability & impact We just completed our first Latin American
Covid-19 has profoundly affected the startup world As part of our annual survey, we asked startups how the pandemic and