DEEPSEA Seeks to Empower Grassroots Communities

DEEPSEA Seeks to Empower Grassroots Communities

This April 15th, 2021 we are running 1-day online DEEP Startup Ecosystem Conference that will bring together over 100 ecosystem leaders from all over Europe to discuss most pressing challenges of our times and create high-impact innovation systems. On the DEEP Startup Ecosystem Conference, you meet the most ambitious innovation professionals and partner up to take on global challenges.

  • Inspiration by thought-leaders on the frontiers of innovation
  • Challenge-driven working groups with dedicated data analysts
  • Partnering around concrete opportunities, e.g. EU funding calls
  • Joint Publication of White Papers with results of the working groups

Would you like to participate, but you are a grassroot organization without funding? This is your chance to get in for free!

One of the DEEPSEA most distinctive approaches is to support the emergence and strengthening of organizations at the community level that are committed to support their ecosystems. With aim to support leaders from grassroots communities, we are inviting change agents who have a passion for implementing changes in their community to attend DEEP Startup Ecosystem Conference for FREE. The conference pass includes full access to keynotes & networking functions as well as deep dives where you will receive Strategy Briefs on all of them.

Selection Criteria for Awarding Tickets

The following criteria apply for choosing the recipients of the conference tickets:

  • The applicant requested the conference ticket by herself/himself. In case the awarded person cannot attend the event, she/he needs to communicate us shortly; so, the organization can grant the ticket to someone else on the waiting list.
  • The applicant identifies herself/himself as ecosystem leader from grassroots community.
  • Priority will be given to individuals from low income countries.

► NOTE: register ASAP while there are still free tickets as we process applications on a first qualified, first accepted basis until 15th March.