The Connectivity of Startup Ecosystems in Europe

Despite Europe’s thriving startup ecosystems, fragmentation remains a major obstacle to growth. Regulatory hurdles, market segmentation, and uneven resource distribution limit the scalability and investment potential of European startups. However, a glimmer of hope shines through: increased founder mobility and emerging interconnected regions are paving the way for a more unified landscape. As part of the StepUp StartUps project, we’ve delved into this connectivity and produced the report, “Beyond Fragmentation: The Connectivity of Startup Ecosystems in Europe.”

What You Should Know About Lagos’ Booming Fintech Scene

RegTech Africa, Swisscontact, and DEEP Ecosystems present the results of a joint Ecosystem Health Check on Lagos’ booming fintech startup scene.

Skype and PayPal Mafias: How Successful Founders Boost Startup Communities

The 2nd edition of the DEEP Startup Ecosystem Conference took place in Essen, Germany on 18th October 2021. Ecosystem leaders, entrepreneurs, policy makers and investors convened from across Europe and beyond. Their common goal is to foster discussion on the most pressing challenges that startup ecosystems face today. The event hosted a virtual think tank for

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DEEP Ecosystems Power Changes From The Ground Up

One of the DEEP Ecosystems most distinctive approaches is to support the emergence and strengthening of organizations at the community level that are committed to support their ecosystems. With aim to support leaders from grassroots communities, we are inviting change agents who have a passion for implementing changes in their community to attend DEEP Ecosystem Conference for FREE.

How to Support Startups To Go Global

High-growth startups and internationalization go hand-in-hand.
Our White Paper provides data-driven expert recommendations on Scaling Startups Globally.

DEEPSEA Seeks to Empower Grassroots Communities

One of the DEEPSEA most distinctive approaches is to support the emergence and strengthening of organizations at the community level that are committed to support their ecosystems. With aim to support leaders from grassroots communities, we are inviting change agents who have a passion for implementing changes in their community to attend DEEP Ecosystem Conference for FREE.

We Work From Home

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a rise of remote work in the European startup ecosystem. We rank the cities with the highest demand of remote jobs.

Despite Brexit: Europe’s startup hubs are failing to connect

After 25 years of existence, political and cultural fragmentations have prevented Europe from successfully achieving it’s ambitions for forming a single market. Despite this challenge, entrepreneurs have risen to the occasion to grow global companies. In recent articles, we have shown that Europe’s most popular startup hubs Berlin and London are truly transnational with over

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The Rise of the Interconnected Startup

When UIPath hit the news in March 2018 with a $1bn valuation it was quickly dubbed Romania’s first unicorn – Even though, the company was by then already headquartered in New York. In Portugal, Farfetch is praised as a Portuguese unicorn – however, a short check on your investment database of choice tells you it

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