DEEP Alumnus brings Startup World Cup to Pakistan

Innovators Garage co-organized the nationwide startup competition Startup World Cup, whose winners get a chance to win $1M in Silicon Valley.

DEEP Alumnus Innovators Garage Launches Startup Incubator

Beaconhouse & Innovators Garage will establish a new startup incubation program for student entrepreneurs in three major cities of Pakistan.

How to Support Startups To Go Global

High-growth startups and internationalization go hand-in-hand.
Our White Paper provides data-driven expert recommendations on Scaling Startups Globally.

DEEP Ecosystem Accelerator Participant Raises $150k Investment

DEEP Startup Ecosystem Accelerator participant, Pakistan-based Innovators Garage has raised $150,000 angel investment from private investor Zauq Group to foster Pakistan´s innovation economy.

The most International Startup Accelerators in Europe

One key success factor for accelerators is their ability to aggregate the best entrepreneurial talent and ideas from a larger region, especially in Europe, where metropolitan areas are small and local talent pools limited. Therefore, we look at how international accelerators in Europe are and from where they are able to attract participants.