Share Ecosystem Data

We believe local knowledge is hard to beat when it comes to understanding ecosystems and that is why we are eager to make available any quality insights local leaders have collected.

Share your insights with a wider international audience and let us create the most comprehensive free ecosystem data platform in Europe.

Data you can share must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Comparability. Single data points are telling little, data should always show context by comparing over time or against a reference
  • Reliable and valid. We will sense-check every data provided before publication and assess in how far the data can be trusted to speak to the point it is trying to make.
  • Each data provided will be visualized by us, please keep this in mind, when providing data.
  • We require a short description of the methodology behind the creation of the dataset.
  • Source Description. Each data you share should be owned by you or publicly available and referenced correctly with a URL.
  • Provided as a google sheet, like this one