Become A Partner

The Startup Heatmap Europe shows the best startup hubs around Europe. With our annual survey and further research based on 3rd party data, we make visible what founders and tech talent think of Europe’s startup hubs and how they move between them to make best use of the resources they provide. On our unique platform users find both our research results as well as aggregated data on investments, accelerators and events. We use the collective knowledge of the startup communities around Europe to advise startups where to go, investors where to invest and community-builders how to make their hubs more attractive for international talent.

Annual Networkpartnership in the european startup initiative

We offer an annual networkpartnership which gives you access to our data and visibility for you and your hub on our platform.

Cities, Economic Development Agencies and other community-builders as well as investors have worked closely with us to learn more on their ecosystem’s performance. If also you are interested to get access to the data we collect and work with us on extracting actionable insights or want to develop a strategy for attracting tech talent and founders to your hub, we offer tailor-made services for you.

Please contact us

Become a Multiplier in the 2018 Startup Heatmap Europe Survey:

Sign-up via this link

For those who help us reach more founders and tech talent we offer the chance to learn more on their home ecosystem and showcase their success in attracting the very best to their locations on our platform.

What we offer:

  • Your logo on your ecosystem’s profile page on our platform and in the final report
  • An infographic on your ecosystem if you bring >30 participants
  • Data results extract on your ecosystem if you bring >50 participants

What we expect:

  • Outreach to relevant groups of tech talent and startup founders in your region via either/or
    • Social media outreach to your fans (promoted)
    • Newsletter coverage
    • Direct emails
    • Using one of our widgets