London |
Trust Rank 2019 |
2 |
Berlin |
Trust Rank 2019 |
1 |
Barcelona |
Trust Rank 2019 |
3 |
Paris |
Trust Rank 2019 |
7 |
Amsterdam |
Trust Rank 2019 |
3 |
Lisbon |
Trust Rank 2019 |
6 |
Munich |
Trust Rank 2019 |
5 |
Milan |
Trust Rank 2019 |
17 |
Tallinn |
Trust Rank 2019 |
9 |
Stockholm |
Trust Rank 2019 |
10 |
Dublin |
Trust Rank 2019 |
11 |
Madrid |
Trust Rank 2019 |
13 |
Vienna |
Trust Rank 2019 |
12 |
Zurich |
Trust Rank 2019 |
8 |
Tel Aviv |
Trust Rank 2019 |
15 |
Copenhagen |
Trust Rank 2019 |
14 |
Warsaw |
Trust Rank 2019 |
16 |
Oslo |
Trust Rank 2019 |
27 |
Edinburgh |
Trust Rank 2019 |
79 |
Brussels |
Trust Rank 2019 |
43 |
Bucharest |
Trust Rank 2019 |
19 |
Cologne |
Trust Rank 2019 |
30 |
Geneva |
Trust Rank 2019 |
20 |
Hamburg |
Trust Rank 2019 |
37 |
Luxembourg |
Trust Rank 2019 |
24 |
Eindhoven |
Trust Rank 2019 |
48 |
Turin |
Trust Rank 2019 |
91 |
Budapest |
Trust Rank 2019 |
52 |
Krakow |
Trust Rank 2019 |
74 |
Kiev |
Trust Rank 2019 |
49 |
Athens |
Trust Rank 2019 |
32 |
Valencia |
Trust Rank 2019 |
42 |
Prague |
Trust Rank 2019 |
26 |
Lausanne |
Trust Rank 2019 |
33 |
Helsinki |
Trust Rank 2019 |
23 |
Lyon |
Trust Rank 2019 |
45 |
Malta |
Trust Rank 2019 |
25 |
Trento |
Trust Rank 2019 |
72 |
Frankfurt |
Trust Rank 2019 |
34 |
Manchester |
Trust Rank 2019 |
35 |
Cluj-Napoca |
Trust Rank 2019 |
51 |
Stuttgart |
Trust Rank 2019 |
38 |
Toulouse |
Trust Rank 2019 |
79 |
Bratislava |
Trust Rank 2019 |
71 |
Istanbul |
Trust Rank 2019 |
44 |
Bologna |
Trust Rank 2019 |
64 |
Gdansk |
Trust Rank 2019 |
22 |
The Hague |
Trust Rank 2019 |
58 |
Vilnius |
Trust Rank 2019 |
47 |
Palma de Mallorca |
Trust Rank 2019 |
40 |
Antwerp |
Trust Rank 2019 |
88 |
Aarhus |
Trust Rank 2019 |
56 |
Ljubliana |
Trust Rank 2019 |
50 |
Riga |
Trust Rank 2019 |
28 |
Utrecht |
Trust Rank 2019 |
63 |
Porto |
Trust Rank 2019 |
18 |
Belgrade |
Trust Rank 2019 |
60 |
Moscow |
Trust Rank 2019 |
83 |
Naples |
Trust Rank 2019 |
64 |
Marseille |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Bilbao |
Trust Rank 2019 |
41 |
Belfast |
Trust Rank 2019 |
84 |
Rotterdam |
Trust Rank 2019 |
29 |
Malaga |
Trust Rank 2019 |
76 |
Zagreb |
Trust Rank 2019 |
61 |
Leipzig |
Trust Rank 2019 |
91 |
Duesseldorf |
Trust Rank 2019 |
90 |
Las Palmas |
Trust Rank 2019 |
75 |
Birmingham |
Trust Rank 2019 |
84 |
Cardiff |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Leeds |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Catania |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Plovdiv |
Trust Rank 2019 |
84 |
Alicante |
Trust Rank 2019 |
55 |
Rome |
Trust Rank 2019 |
69 |
Bristol |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Liverpool |
Trust Rank 2019 |
64 |
Bochum |
Trust Rank 2019 |
84 |
Essen |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Hanover |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Minsk |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Nicosia |
Trust Rank 2019 |
31 |
Wrocław |
Trust Rank 2019 |
54 |
Thessaloniki |
Trust Rank 2019 |
61 |
Nice |
Trust Rank 2019 |
21 |
Sofia |
Trust Rank 2019 |
39 |
Brno |
Trust Rank 2019 |
59 |
Sarajevo |
Trust Rank 2019 |
89 |
Nuremberg |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Glasgow |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Dortmund |
Trust Rank 2019 |
72 |
Bielefeld |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Palermo |
Trust Rank 2019 |
99 |
Poznan |
Trust Rank 2019 |
99 |
Dresden |
Trust Rank 2019 |
94 |
Bari |
Trust Rank 2019 |
64 |
Malmö |
Trust Rank 2019 |
99 |
Genoa |
Trust Rank 2019 |
99 |
Łódź |
Trust Rank 2019 |
99 |
City |
"Change 18-19"() |
London |
Change 18-19 |
-1 |
Berlin |
Change 18-19 |
1 |
Barcelona |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Paris |
Change 18-19 |
-3 |
Amsterdam |
Change 18-19 |
2 |
Lisbon |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Munich |
Change 18-19 |
2 |
Milan |
Change 18-19 |
-9 |
Tallinn |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Stockholm |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Dublin |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Madrid |
Change 18-19 |
-1 |
Vienna |
Change 18-19 |
1 |
Zurich |
Change 18-19 |
6 |
Tel Aviv |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Copenhagen |
Change 18-19 |
2 |
Warsaw |
Change 18-19 |
1 |
Oslo |
Change 18-19 |
-9 |
Edinburgh |
Change 18-19 |
-60 |
Brussels |
Change 18-19 |
-23 |
Bucharest |
Change 18-19 |
2 |
Cologne |
Change 18-19 |
-8 |
Geneva |
Change 18-19 |
3 |
Hamburg |
Change 18-19 |
-13 |
Luxembourg |
Change 18-19 |
1 |
Eindhoven |
Change 18-19 |
-22 |
Turin |
Change 18-19 |
-64 |
Budapest |
Change 18-19 |
-24 |
Krakow |
Change 18-19 |
-45 |
Kiev |
Change 18-19 |
-19 |
Athens |
Change 18-19 |
-1 |
Valencia |
Change 18-19 |
-10 |
Prague |
Change 18-19 |
7 |
Lausanne |
Change 18-19 |
1 |
Helsinki |
Change 18-19 |
12 |
Lyon |
Change 18-19 |
-9 |
Malta |
Change 18-19 |
12 |
Trento |
Change 18-19 |
-34 |
Frankfurt |
Change 18-19 |
5 |
Manchester |
Change 18-19 |
5 |
Cluj-Napoca |
Change 18-19 |
-10 |
Stuttgart |
Change 18-19 |
4 |
Toulouse |
Change 18-19 |
-36 |
Bratislava |
Change 18-19 |
-27 |
Istanbul |
Change 18-19 |
1 |
Bologna |
Change 18-19 |
-18 |
Gdansk |
Change 18-19 |
25 |
The Hague |
Change 18-19 |
-10 |
Vilnius |
Change 18-19 |
2 |
Palma de Mallorca |
Change 18-19 |
10 |
Antwerp |
Change 18-19 |
-37 |
Aarhus |
Change 18-19 |
-4 |
Ljubliana |
Change 18-19 |
3 |
Riga |
Change 18-19 |
26 |
Utrecht |
Change 18-19 |
-8 |
Porto |
Change 18-19 |
38 |
Belgrade |
Change 18-19 |
-3 |
Moscow |
Change 18-19 |
-25 |
Naples |
Change 18-19 |
-5 |
Marseille |
Change 18-19 |
-34 |
Bilbao |
Change 18-19 |
21 |
Belfast |
Change 18-19 |
-21 |
Rotterdam |
Change 18-19 |
35 |
Malaga |
Change 18-19 |
-11 |
Zagreb |
Change 18-19 |
6 |
Leipzig |
Change 18-19 |
-23 |
Duesseldorf |
Change 18-19 |
-21 |
Las Palmas |
Change 18-19 |
-4 |
Birmingham |
Change 18-19 |
-12 |
Cardiff |
Change 18-19 |
-21 |
Leeds |
Change 18-19 |
-20 |
Catania |
Change 18-19 |
-19 |
Plovdiv |
Change 18-19 |
-7 |
Alicante |
Change 18-19 |
23 |
Rome |
Change 18-19 |
11 |
Bristol |
Change 18-19 |
-5 |
Liverpool |
Change 18-19 |
26 |
Bochum |
Change 18-19 |
7 |
Essen |
Change 18-19 |
-2 |
Hanover |
Change 18-19 |
-1 |
Minsk |
Change 18-19 |
1 |
Nicosia |
Change 18-19 |
65 |
Wrocław |
Change 18-19 |
22 |
Thessaloniki |
Change 18-19 |
37 |
Nice |
Change 18-19 |
78 |
Sofia |
Change 18-19 |
60 |
Brno |
Change 18-19 |
40 |
Sarajevo |
Change 18-19 |
10 |
Nuremberg |
Change 18-19 |
5 |
Glasgow |
Change 18-19 |
5 |
Dortmund |
Change 18-19 |
27 |
Bielefeld |
Change 18-19 |
5 |
Palermo |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Poznan |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Dresden |
Change 18-19 |
5 |
Bari |
Change 18-19 |
35 |
Malmö |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Genoa |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
Łódź |
Change 18-19 |
0 |
City |
"% of founders 2019"() |
London |
% of founders 2019 |
36.38% |
Berlin |
% of founders 2019 |
38.92% |
Barcelona |
% of founders 2019 |
17.33% |
Paris |
% of founders 2019 |
9.53% |
Amsterdam |
% of founders 2019 |
17.45% |
Lisbon |
% of founders 2019 |
9.62% |
Munich |
% of founders 2019 |
10.15% |
Milan |
% of founders 2019 |
3.45% |
Tallinn |
% of founders 2019 |
9.14% |
Stockholm |
% of founders 2019 |
6.18% |
Dublin |
% of founders 2019 |
5.94% |
Madrid |
% of founders 2019 |
5.66% |
Vienna |
% of founders 2019 |
5.83% |
Zurich |
% of founders 2019 |
9.20% |
Tel Aviv |
% of founders 2019 |
4.14% |
Copenhagen |
% of founders 2019 |
5.18% |
Warsaw |
% of founders 2019 |
4.09% |
Oslo |
% of founders 2019 |
2.07% |
Edinburgh |
% of founders 2019 |
0.39% |
Brussels |
% of founders 2019 |
1.31% |
Bucharest |
% of founders 2019 |
2.70% |
Cologne |
% of founders 2019 |
2.01% |
Geneva |
% of founders 2019 |
2.44% |
Hamburg |
% of founders 2019 |
1.56% |
Luxembourg |
% of founders 2019 |
2.30% |
Eindhoven |
% of founders 2019 |
1.17% |
Turin |
% of founders 2019 |
0.13% |
Budapest |
% of founders 2019 |
1.14% |
Krakow |
% of founders 2019 |
0.50% |
Kiev |
% of founders 2019 |
1.16% |
Athens |
% of founders 2019 |
1.92% |
Valencia |
% of founders 2019 |
1.41% |
Prague |
% of founders 2019 |
2.10% |
Lausanne |
% of founders 2019 |
1.82% |
Helsinki |
% of founders 2019 |
2.36% |
Lyon |
% of founders 2019 |
1.19% |
Malta |
% of founders 2019 |
2.24% |
Trento |
% of founders 2019 |
0.50% |
Frankfurt |
% of founders 2019 |
1.66% |
Manchester |
% of founders 2019 |
1.57% |
Cluj-Napoca |
% of founders 2019 |
1.15% |
Stuttgart |
% of founders 2019 |
1.53% |
Toulouse |
% of founders 2019 |
0.39% |
Bratislava |
% of founders 2019 |
0.51% |
Istanbul |
% of founders 2019 |
1.23% |
Bologna |
% of founders 2019 |
0.52% |
Gdansk |
% of founders 2019 |
2.37% |
The Hague |
% of founders 2019 |
0.82% |
Vilnius |
% of founders 2019 |
1.18% |
Palma de Mallorca |
% of founders 2019 |
1.44% |
Antwerp |
% of founders 2019 |
0.19% |
Aarhus |
% of founders 2019 |
0.90% |
Ljubliana |
% of founders 2019 |
1.16% |
Riga |
% of founders 2019 |
2.07% |
Utrecht |
% of founders 2019 |
0.55% |
Porto |
% of founders 2019 |
3.35% |
Belgrade |
% of founders 2019 |
0.74% |
Moscow |
% of founders 2019 |
0.28% |
Naples |
% of founders 2019 |
0.52% |
Marseille |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Bilbao |
% of founders 2019 |
1.41% |
Belfast |
% of founders 2019 |
0.26% |
Rotterdam |
% of founders 2019 |
2.03% |
Malaga |
% of founders 2019 |
0.41% |
Zagreb |
% of founders 2019 |
0.65% |
Leipzig |
% of founders 2019 |
0.13% |
Duesseldorf |
% of founders 2019 |
0.14% |
Las Palmas |
% of founders 2019 |
0.49% |
Birmingham |
% of founders 2019 |
0.26% |
Cardiff |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Leeds |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Catania |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Plovdiv |
% of founders 2019 |
0.26% |
Alicante |
% of founders 2019 |
1.00% |
Rome |
% of founders 2019 |
0.51% |
Bristol |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Liverpool |
% of founders 2019 |
0.52% |
Bochum |
% of founders 2019 |
0.26% |
Essen |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Hanover |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Minsk |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Nicosia |
% of founders 2019 |
1.93% |
Wrocław |
% of founders 2019 |
1.08% |
Thessaloniki |
% of founders 2019 |
0.65% |
Nice |
% of founders 2019 |
2.44% |
Sofia |
% of founders 2019 |
1.44% |
Brno |
% of founders 2019 |
0.79% |
Sarajevo |
% of founders 2019 |
0.15% |
Nuremberg |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Glasgow |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Dortmund |
% of founders 2019 |
0.50% |
Bielefeld |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Palermo |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Poznan |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Dresden |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Bari |
% of founders 2019 |
0.52% |
Malmö |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Genoa |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Łódź |
% of founders 2019 |
0.00% |
City |
"% High-Tech founders 2019"() |
London |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
37.25% |
Berlin |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
32.21% |
Barcelona |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
14.77% |
Paris |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
10.74% |
Amsterdam |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
12.42% |
Lisbon |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
15.77% |
Munich |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
8.72% |
Milan |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
4.70% |
Tallinn |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
5.70% |
Stockholm |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
5.37% |
Dublin |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.68% |
Madrid |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
4.36% |
Vienna |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
4.36% |
Zurich |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
8.39% |
Tel Aviv |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
3.36% |
Copenhagen |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
9.40% |
Warsaw |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Oslo |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.35% |
Edinburgh |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.01% |
Brussels |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.01% |
Bucharest |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
3.69% |
Cologne |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
6.04% |
Geneva |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.01% |
Hamburg |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Luxembourg |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.68% |
Eindhoven |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Turin |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Budapest |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.68% |
Krakow |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.68% |
Kiev |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Athens |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.68% |
Valencia |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.34% |
Prague |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
3.02% |
Lausanne |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.01% |
Helsinki |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.01% |
Lyon |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
4.70% |
Malta |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.68% |
Trento |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.01% |
Frankfurt |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.35% |
Manchester |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.34% |
Cluj-Napoca |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.01% |
Stuttgart |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Toulouse |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
3.36% |
Bratislava |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.34% |
Istanbul |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Bologna |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
3.36% |
Gdansk |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.34% |
The Hague |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Vilnius |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Palma de Mallorca |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.68% |
Antwerp |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.68% |
Aarhus |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Ljubliana |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Riga |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.68% |
Utrecht |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Porto |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Belgrade |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.35% |
Moscow |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.34% |
Naples |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Marseille |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Bilbao |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Belfast |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.01% |
Rotterdam |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Malaga |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
3.02% |
Zagreb |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Leipzig |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Duesseldorf |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
3.69% |
Las Palmas |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.34% |
Birmingham |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Cardiff |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Leeds |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Catania |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Plovdiv |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Alicante |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Rome |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Bristol |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Liverpool |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Bochum |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Essen |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Hanover |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Minsk |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Nicosia |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Wrocław |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Thessaloniki |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Nice |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.01% |
Sofia |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Brno |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Sarajevo |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Nuremberg |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Glasgow |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Dortmund |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.00% |
Bielefeld |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
2.01% |
Palermo |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
1.34% |
Poznan |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Dresden |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.67% |
Bari |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Malmö |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Genoa |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
Łódź |
% High-Tech founders 2019 |
0.34% |
City |
"Rating Funding"() |
London |
Rating Funding |
59.69% |
Berlin |
Rating Funding |
55.35% |
Barcelona |
Rating Funding |
41.94% |
Paris |
Rating Funding |
50.45% |
Amsterdam |
Rating Funding |
58.31% |
Lisbon |
Rating Funding |
39.78% |
Munich |
Rating Funding |
64.52% |
Milan |
Rating Funding |
44.53% |
Tallinn |
Rating Funding |
56.84% |
Stockholm |
Rating Funding |
64.48% |
Dublin |
Rating Funding |
42.12% |
Madrid |
Rating Funding |
46.21% |
Vienna |
Rating Funding |
53.36% |
Zurich |
Rating Funding |
60.19% |
Tel Aviv |
Rating Funding |
62.26% |
Copenhagen |
Rating Funding |
51.78% |
Warsaw |
Rating Funding |
43.47% |
Oslo |
Rating Funding |
44.64% |
Edinburgh |
Rating Funding |
43.89% |
Brussels |
Rating Funding |
70.04% |
Bucharest |
Rating Funding |
37.85% |
Cologne |
Rating Funding |
21.41% |
Geneva |
Rating Funding |
33.93% |
Hamburg |
Rating Funding |
44.07% |
Luxembourg |
Rating Funding |
59.12% |
Eindhoven |
Rating Funding |
66.78% |
Turin |
Rating Funding |
Budapest |
Rating Funding |
54.89% |
Krakow |
Rating Funding |
34.60% |
Kiev |
Rating Funding |
29.96% |
Athens |
Rating Funding |
36.32% |
Valencia |
Rating Funding |
43.32% |
Prague |
Rating Funding |
42.15% |
Lausanne |
Rating Funding |
48.38% |
Helsinki |
Rating Funding |
54.52% |
Lyon |
Rating Funding |
36.05% |
Malta |
Rating Funding |
39.98% |
Trento |
Rating Funding |
15.79% |
Frankfurt |
Rating Funding |
43.02% |
Manchester |
Rating Funding |
52.42% |
Cluj-Napoca |
Rating Funding |
52.44% |
Stuttgart |
Rating Funding |
45.14% |
Toulouse |
Rating Funding |
13.43% |
Bratislava |
Rating Funding |
38.55% |
Istanbul |
Rating Funding |
41.43% |
Bologna |
Rating Funding |
10.53% |
Gdansk |
Rating Funding |
30.92% |
The Hague |
Rating Funding |
Vilnius |
Rating Funding |
46.08% |
Palma de Mallorca |
Rating Funding |
43.84% |
Antwerp |
Rating Funding |
59.60% |
Aarhus |
Rating Funding |
Ljubliana |
Rating Funding |
27.57% |
Riga |
Rating Funding |
56.51% |
Utrecht |
Rating Funding |
Porto |
Rating Funding |
33.41% |
Belgrade |
Rating Funding |
29.70% |
Moscow |
Rating Funding |
Naples |
Rating Funding |
Marseille |
Rating Funding |
Bilbao |
Rating Funding |
Belfast |
Rating Funding |
Rotterdam |
Rating Funding |
Malaga |
Rating Funding |
63.07% |
Zagreb |
Rating Funding |
Leipzig |
Rating Funding |
Duesseldorf |
Rating Funding |
21.88% |
Las Palmas |
Rating Funding |
Birmingham |
Rating Funding |
Cardiff |
Rating Funding |
Leeds |
Rating Funding |
Catania |
Rating Funding |
Plovdiv |
Rating Funding |
Alicante |
Rating Funding |
Rome |
Rating Funding |
23.67% |
Bristol |
Rating Funding |
Liverpool |
Rating Funding |
Bochum |
Rating Funding |
Essen |
Rating Funding |
Hanover |
Rating Funding |
Minsk |
Rating Funding |
Nicosia |
Rating Funding |
Wrocław |
Rating Funding |
Thessaloniki |
Rating Funding |
Nice |
Rating Funding |
23.60% |
Sofia |
Rating Funding |
42.71% |
Brno |
Rating Funding |
Sarajevo |
Rating Funding |
Nuremberg |
Rating Funding |
Glasgow |
Rating Funding |
Dortmund |
Rating Funding |
Bielefeld |
Rating Funding |
Palermo |
Rating Funding |
Poznan |
Rating Funding |
Dresden |
Rating Funding |
Bari |
Rating Funding |
Malmö |
Rating Funding |
Genoa |
Rating Funding |
Łódź |
Rating Funding |
City |
"Rating Business Regulations"() |
London |
Rating Business Regulations |
55.46% |
Berlin |
Rating Business Regulations |
47.60% |
Barcelona |
Rating Business Regulations |
40.09% |
Paris |
Rating Business Regulations |
39.28% |
Amsterdam |
Rating Business Regulations |
63.91% |
Lisbon |
Rating Business Regulations |
44.91% |
Munich |
Rating Business Regulations |
49.16% |
Milan |
Rating Business Regulations |
46.00% |
Tallinn |
Rating Business Regulations |
71.70% |
Stockholm |
Rating Business Regulations |
57.52% |
Dublin |
Rating Business Regulations |
61.19% |
Madrid |
Rating Business Regulations |
42.31% |
Vienna |
Rating Business Regulations |
45.51% |
Zurich |
Rating Business Regulations |
54.05% |
Tel Aviv |
Rating Business Regulations |
51.69% |
Copenhagen |
Rating Business Regulations |
54.01% |
Warsaw |
Rating Business Regulations |
52.15% |
Oslo |
Rating Business Regulations |
69.89% |
Edinburgh |
Rating Business Regulations |
49.83% |
Brussels |
Rating Business Regulations |
65.27% |
Bucharest |
Rating Business Regulations |
42.30% |
Cologne |
Rating Business Regulations |
30.18% |
Geneva |
Rating Business Regulations |
52.63% |
Hamburg |
Rating Business Regulations |
43.76% |
Luxembourg |
Rating Business Regulations |
64.32% |
Eindhoven |
Rating Business Regulations |
68.69% |
Turin |
Rating Business Regulations |
Budapest |
Rating Business Regulations |
47.19% |
Krakow |
Rating Business Regulations |
30.41% |
Kiev |
Rating Business Regulations |
52.50% |
Athens |
Rating Business Regulations |
47.43% |
Valencia |
Rating Business Regulations |
59.74% |
Prague |
Rating Business Regulations |
37.98% |
Lausanne |
Rating Business Regulations |
63.96% |
Helsinki |
Rating Business Regulations |
54.49% |
Lyon |
Rating Business Regulations |
36.05% |
Malta |
Rating Business Regulations |
54.26% |
Trento |
Rating Business Regulations |
26.28% |
Frankfurt |
Rating Business Regulations |
37.29% |
Manchester |
Rating Business Regulations |
66.88% |
Cluj-Napoca |
Rating Business Regulations |
56.58% |
Stuttgart |
Rating Business Regulations |
46.58% |
Toulouse |
Rating Business Regulations |
24.46% |
Bratislava |
Rating Business Regulations |
64.71% |
Istanbul |
Rating Business Regulations |
51.46% |
Bologna |
Rating Business Regulations |
3.28% |
Gdansk |
Rating Business Regulations |
52.74% |
The Hague |
Rating Business Regulations |
Vilnius |
Rating Business Regulations |
74.91% |
Palma de Mallorca |
Rating Business Regulations |
32.95% |
Antwerp |
Rating Business Regulations |
58.26% |
Aarhus |
Rating Business Regulations |
Ljubliana |
Rating Business Regulations |
28.55% |
Riga |
Rating Business Regulations |
61.42% |
Utrecht |
Rating Business Regulations |
Porto |
Rating Business Regulations |
50.55% |
Belgrade |
Rating Business Regulations |
33.15% |
Moscow |
Rating Business Regulations |
Naples |
Rating Business Regulations |
Marseille |
Rating Business Regulations |
Bilbao |
Rating Business Regulations |
Belfast |
Rating Business Regulations |
Rotterdam |
Rating Business Regulations |
Malaga |
Rating Business Regulations |
53.88% |
Zagreb |
Rating Business Regulations |
Leipzig |
Rating Business Regulations |
Duesseldorf |
Rating Business Regulations |
30.22% |
Las Palmas |
Rating Business Regulations |
Birmingham |
Rating Business Regulations |
Cardiff |
Rating Business Regulations |
Leeds |
Rating Business Regulations |
Catania |
Rating Business Regulations |
Plovdiv |
Rating Business Regulations |
Alicante |
Rating Business Regulations |
Rome |
Rating Business Regulations |
21.04% |
Bristol |
Rating Business Regulations |
Liverpool |
Rating Business Regulations |
Bochum |
Rating Business Regulations |
Essen |
Rating Business Regulations |
Hanover |
Rating Business Regulations |
Minsk |
Rating Business Regulations |
Nicosia |
Rating Business Regulations |
Wrocław |
Rating Business Regulations |
Thessaloniki |
Rating Business Regulations |
Nice |
Rating Business Regulations |
37.51% |
Sofia |
Rating Business Regulations |
56.81% |
Brno |
Rating Business Regulations |
Sarajevo |
Rating Business Regulations |
Nuremberg |
Rating Business Regulations |
Glasgow |
Rating Business Regulations |
Dortmund |
Rating Business Regulations |
Bielefeld |
Rating Business Regulations |
Palermo |
Rating Business Regulations |
Poznan |
Rating Business Regulations |
Dresden |
Rating Business Regulations |
Bari |
Rating Business Regulations |
Malmö |
Rating Business Regulations |
Genoa |
Rating Business Regulations |
Łódź |
Rating Business Regulations |
City |
"Rating Access to Talent"() |
London |
Rating Access to Talent |
50.32% |
Berlin |
Rating Access to Talent |
53.44% |
Barcelona |
Rating Access to Talent |
50.95% |
Paris |
Rating Access to Talent |
47.26% |
Amsterdam |
Rating Access to Talent |
59.86% |
Lisbon |
Rating Access to Talent |
49.45% |
Munich |
Rating Access to Talent |
60.73% |
Milan |
Rating Access to Talent |
53.46% |
Tallinn |
Rating Access to Talent |
52.27% |
Stockholm |
Rating Access to Talent |
58.15% |
Dublin |
Rating Access to Talent |
49.92% |
Madrid |
Rating Access to Talent |
61.30% |
Vienna |
Rating Access to Talent |
48.52% |
Zurich |
Rating Access to Talent |
43.07% |
Tel Aviv |
Rating Access to Talent |
49.41% |
Copenhagen |
Rating Access to Talent |
54.14% |
Warsaw |
Rating Access to Talent |
55.91% |
Oslo |
Rating Access to Talent |
43.58% |
Edinburgh |
Rating Access to Talent |
46.43% |
Brussels |
Rating Access to Talent |
64.65% |
Bucharest |
Rating Access to Talent |
61.96% |
Cologne |
Rating Access to Talent |
39.26% |
Geneva |
Rating Access to Talent |
31.25% |
Hamburg |
Rating Access to Talent |
33.17% |
Luxembourg |
Rating Access to Talent |
42.23% |
Eindhoven |
Rating Access to Talent |
74.76% |
Turin |
Rating Access to Talent |
Budapest |
Rating Access to Talent |
57.52% |
Krakow |
Rating Access to Talent |
65.40% |
Kiev |
Rating Access to Talent |
72.28% |
Athens |
Rating Access to Talent |
65.26% |
Valencia |
Rating Access to Talent |
55.87% |
Prague |
Rating Access to Talent |
48.60% |
Lausanne |
Rating Access to Talent |
59.29% |
Helsinki |
Rating Access to Talent |
54.63% |
Lyon |
Rating Access to Talent |
53.68% |
Malta |
Rating Access to Talent |
31.78% |
Trento |
Rating Access to Talent |
21.08% |
Frankfurt |
Rating Access to Talent |
42.41% |
Manchester |
Rating Access to Talent |
55.26% |
Cluj-Napoca |
Rating Access to Talent |
64.46% |
Stuttgart |
Rating Access to Talent |
53.43% |
Toulouse |
Rating Access to Talent |
30.53% |
Bratislava |
Rating Access to Talent |
45.20% |
Istanbul |
Rating Access to Talent |
58.63% |
Bologna |
Rating Access to Talent |
34.26% |
Gdansk |
Rating Access to Talent |
53.60% |
The Hague |
Rating Access to Talent |
Vilnius |
Rating Access to Talent |
59.51% |
Palma de Mallorca |
Rating Access to Talent |
41.95% |
Antwerp |
Rating Access to Talent |
66.86% |
Aarhus |
Rating Access to Talent |
Ljubliana |
Rating Access to Talent |
38.21% |
Riga |
Rating Access to Talent |
45.81% |
Utrecht |
Rating Access to Talent |
Porto |
Rating Access to Talent |
71.87% |
Belgrade |
Rating Access to Talent |
57.06% |
Moscow |
Rating Access to Talent |
Naples |
Rating Access to Talent |
Marseille |
Rating Access to Talent |
Bilbao |
Rating Access to Talent |
Belfast |
Rating Access to Talent |
Rotterdam |
Rating Access to Talent |
Malaga |
Rating Access to Talent |
61.58% |
Zagreb |
Rating Access to Talent |
Leipzig |
Rating Access to Talent |
Duesseldorf |
Rating Access to Talent |
39.16% |
Las Palmas |
Rating Access to Talent |
Birmingham |
Rating Access to Talent |
Cardiff |
Rating Access to Talent |
Leeds |
Rating Access to Talent |
Catania |
Rating Access to Talent |
Plovdiv |
Rating Access to Talent |
Alicante |
Rating Access to Talent |
Rome |
Rating Access to Talent |
40.68% |
Bristol |
Rating Access to Talent |
Liverpool |
Rating Access to Talent |
Bochum |
Rating Access to Talent |
Essen |
Rating Access to Talent |
Hanover |
Rating Access to Talent |
Minsk |
Rating Access to Talent |
Nicosia |
Rating Access to Talent |
Wrocław |
Rating Access to Talent |
Thessaloniki |
Rating Access to Talent |
Nice |
Rating Access to Talent |
51.46% |
Sofia |
Rating Access to Talent |
58.14% |
Brno |
Rating Access to Talent |
Sarajevo |
Rating Access to Talent |
Nuremberg |
Rating Access to Talent |
Glasgow |
Rating Access to Talent |
Dortmund |
Rating Access to Talent |
Bielefeld |
Rating Access to Talent |
Palermo |
Rating Access to Talent |
Poznan |
Rating Access to Talent |
Dresden |
Rating Access to Talent |
Bari |
Rating Access to Talent |
Malmö |
Rating Access to Talent |
Genoa |
Rating Access to Talent |
Łódź |
Rating Access to Talent |
City |
"Rating Industry Connections"() |
London |
Rating Industry Connections |
59.88% |
Berlin |
Rating Industry Connections |
52.75% |
Barcelona |
Rating Industry Connections |
45.95% |
Paris |
Rating Industry Connections |
50.69% |
Amsterdam |
Rating Industry Connections |
61.88% |
Lisbon |
Rating Industry Connections |
40.69% |
Munich |
Rating Industry Connections |
70.98% |
Milan |
Rating Industry Connections |
54.06% |
Tallinn |
Rating Industry Connections |
54.10% |
Stockholm |
Rating Industry Connections |
63.29% |
Dublin |
Rating Industry Connections |
54.99% |
Madrid |
Rating Industry Connections |
56.54% |
Vienna |
Rating Industry Connections |
57.78% |
Zurich |
Rating Industry Connections |
59.56% |
Tel Aviv |
Rating Industry Connections |
55.63% |
Copenhagen |
Rating Industry Connections |
53.56% |
Warsaw |
Rating Industry Connections |
47.35% |
Oslo |
Rating Industry Connections |
43.96% |
Edinburgh |
Rating Industry Connections |
37.21% |
Brussels |
Rating Industry Connections |
59.76% |
Bucharest |
Rating Industry Connections |
46.67% |
Cologne |
Rating Industry Connections |
46.37% |
Geneva |
Rating Industry Connections |
48.21% |
Hamburg |
Rating Industry Connections |
56.87% |
Luxembourg |
Rating Industry Connections |
66.24% |
Eindhoven |
Rating Industry Connections |
66.79% |
Turin |
Rating Industry Connections |
Budapest |
Rating Industry Connections |
44.61% |
Krakow |
Rating Industry Connections |
30.48% |
Kiev |
Rating Industry Connections |
38.17% |
Athens |
Rating Industry Connections |
44.92% |
Valencia |
Rating Industry Connections |
40.09% |
Prague |
Rating Industry Connections |
49.04% |
Lausanne |
Rating Industry Connections |
71.24% |
Helsinki |
Rating Industry Connections |
60.22% |
Lyon |
Rating Industry Connections |
47.20% |
Malta |
Rating Industry Connections |
30.64% |
Trento |
Rating Industry Connections |
31.90% |
Frankfurt |
Rating Industry Connections |
50.33% |
Manchester |
Rating Industry Connections |
56.40% |
Cluj-Napoca |
Rating Industry Connections |
58.53% |
Stuttgart |
Rating Industry Connections |
71.32% |
Toulouse |
Rating Industry Connections |
35.24% |
Bratislava |
Rating Industry Connections |
52.07% |
Istanbul |
Rating Industry Connections |
67.19% |
Bologna |
Rating Industry Connections |
30.21% |
Gdansk |
Rating Industry Connections |
49.06% |
The Hague |
Rating Industry Connections |
Vilnius |
Rating Industry Connections |
68.27% |
Palma de Mallorca |
Rating Industry Connections |
38.31% |
Antwerp |
Rating Industry Connections |
69.68% |
Aarhus |
Rating Industry Connections |
Ljubliana |
Rating Industry Connections |
32.31% |
Riga |
Rating Industry Connections |
47.26% |
Utrecht |
Rating Industry Connections |
Porto |
Rating Industry Connections |
42.57% |
Belgrade |
Rating Industry Connections |
50.40% |
Moscow |
Rating Industry Connections |
Naples |
Rating Industry Connections |
Marseille |
Rating Industry Connections |
Bilbao |
Rating Industry Connections |
Belfast |
Rating Industry Connections |
Rotterdam |
Rating Industry Connections |
Malaga |
Rating Industry Connections |
71.26% |
Zagreb |
Rating Industry Connections |
Leipzig |
Rating Industry Connections |
Duesseldorf |
Rating Industry Connections |
39.16% |
Las Palmas |
Rating Industry Connections |
Birmingham |
Rating Industry Connections |
Cardiff |
Rating Industry Connections |
Leeds |
Rating Industry Connections |
Catania |
Rating Industry Connections |
Plovdiv |
Rating Industry Connections |
Alicante |
Rating Industry Connections |
Rome |
Rating Industry Connections |
56.63% |
Bristol |
Rating Industry Connections |
Liverpool |
Rating Industry Connections |
Bochum |
Rating Industry Connections |
Essen |
Rating Industry Connections |
Hanover |
Rating Industry Connections |
Minsk |
Rating Industry Connections |
Nicosia |
Rating Industry Connections |
Wrocław |
Rating Industry Connections |
Thessaloniki |
Rating Industry Connections |
Nice |
Rating Industry Connections |
36.55% |
Sofia |
Rating Industry Connections |
44.81% |
Brno |
Rating Industry Connections |
Sarajevo |
Rating Industry Connections |
Nuremberg |
Rating Industry Connections |
Glasgow |
Rating Industry Connections |
Dortmund |
Rating Industry Connections |
Bielefeld |
Rating Industry Connections |
Palermo |
Rating Industry Connections |
Poznan |
Rating Industry Connections |
Dresden |
Rating Industry Connections |
Bari |
Rating Industry Connections |
Malmö |
Rating Industry Connections |
Genoa |
Rating Industry Connections |
Łódź |
Rating Industry Connections |
City |
"Rating Ecosystem Quality"() |
London |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
61.42% |
Berlin |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
62.47% |
Barcelona |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
56.81% |
Paris |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
50.44% |
Amsterdam |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
69.81% |
Lisbon |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
56.16% |
Munich |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
60.25% |
Milan |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
51.25% |
Tallinn |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
75.38% |
Stockholm |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
67.76% |
Dublin |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
58.80% |
Madrid |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
54.25% |
Vienna |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
59.49% |
Zurich |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
56.25% |
Tel Aviv |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
65.60% |
Copenhagen |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
59.58% |
Warsaw |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
54.05% |
Oslo |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
41.89% |
Edinburgh |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
42.24% |
Brussels |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
64.70% |
Bucharest |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
55.94% |
Cologne |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
37.19% |
Geneva |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
41.10% |
Hamburg |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
52.17% |
Luxembourg |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
58.56% |
Eindhoven |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
74.97% |
Turin |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Budapest |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
48.00% |
Krakow |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
50.38% |
Kiev |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
52.89% |
Athens |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
48.04% |
Valencia |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
45.91% |
Prague |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
52.57% |
Lausanne |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
52.89% |
Helsinki |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
72.62% |
Lyon |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
41.12% |
Malta |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
51.78% |
Trento |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
26.28% |
Frankfurt |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
35.77% |
Manchester |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
56.77% |
Cluj-Napoca |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
61.13% |
Stuttgart |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
46.67% |
Toulouse |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
23.30% |
Bratislava |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
59.39% |
Istanbul |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
53.71% |
Bologna |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
29.40% |
Gdansk |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
43.50% |
The Hague |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Vilnius |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
82.61% |
Palma de Mallorca |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
33.34% |
Antwerp |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
66.05% |
Aarhus |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Ljubliana |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
41.36% |
Riga |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
63.54% |
Utrecht |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Porto |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
65.04% |
Belgrade |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
36.22% |
Moscow |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Naples |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Marseille |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Bilbao |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Belfast |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Rotterdam |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Malaga |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
68.15% |
Zagreb |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Leipzig |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Duesseldorf |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
36.92% |
Las Palmas |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Birmingham |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Cardiff |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Leeds |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Catania |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Plovdiv |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Alicante |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Rome |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
56.63% |
Bristol |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Liverpool |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Bochum |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Essen |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Hanover |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Minsk |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Nicosia |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Wrocław |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Thessaloniki |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Nice |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
44.57% |
Sofia |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
57.69% |
Brno |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Sarajevo |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Nuremberg |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Glasgow |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Dortmund |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Bielefeld |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Palermo |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Poznan |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Dresden |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Bari |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Malmö |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Genoa |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
Łódź |
Rating Ecosystem Quality |
City |
"Rating Value for Money"() |
London |
Rating Value for Money |
35.84% |
Berlin |
Rating Value for Money |
51.07% |
Barcelona |
Rating Value for Money |
50.53% |
Paris |
Rating Value for Money |
36.86% |
Amsterdam |
Rating Value for Money |
52.61% |
Lisbon |
Rating Value for Money |
55.82% |
Munich |
Rating Value for Money |
34.32% |
Milan |
Rating Value for Money |
50.07% |
Tallinn |
Rating Value for Money |
66.87% |
Stockholm |
Rating Value for Money |
48.97% |
Dublin |
Rating Value for Money |
45.64% |
Madrid |
Rating Value for Money |
49.48% |
Vienna |
Rating Value for Money |
52.45% |
Zurich |
Rating Value for Money |
44.57% |
Tel Aviv |
Rating Value for Money |
37.40% |
Copenhagen |
Rating Value for Money |
36.66% |
Warsaw |
Rating Value for Money |
60.28% |
Oslo |
Rating Value for Money |
33.30% |
Edinburgh |
Rating Value for Money |
43.90% |
Brussels |
Rating Value for Money |
54.39% |
Bucharest |
Rating Value for Money |
48.02% |
Cologne |
Rating Value for Money |
42.38% |
Geneva |
Rating Value for Money |
45.18% |
Hamburg |
Rating Value for Money |
44.18% |
Luxembourg |
Rating Value for Money |
55.01% |
Eindhoven |
Rating Value for Money |
60.92% |
Turin |
Rating Value for Money |
Budapest |
Rating Value for Money |
57.52% |
Krakow |
Rating Value for Money |
70.54% |
Kiev |
Rating Value for Money |
77.56% |
Athens |
Rating Value for Money |
64.46% |
Valencia |
Rating Value for Money |
67.31% |
Prague |
Rating Value for Money |
52.60% |
Lausanne |
Rating Value for Money |
55.35% |
Helsinki |
Rating Value for Money |
57.11% |
Lyon |
Rating Value for Money |
47.34% |
Malta |
Rating Value for Money |
51.97% |
Trento |
Rating Value for Money |
46.18% |
Frankfurt |
Rating Value for Money |
37.61% |
Manchester |
Rating Value for Money |
28.43% |
Cluj-Napoca |
Rating Value for Money |
60.43% |
Stuttgart |
Rating Value for Money |
66.14% |
Toulouse |
Rating Value for Money |
33.18% |
Bratislava |
Rating Value for Money |
65.40% |
Istanbul |
Rating Value for Money |
64.59% |
Bologna |
Rating Value for Money |
29.40% |
Gdansk |
Rating Value for Money |
60.11% |
The Hague |
Rating Value for Money |
Vilnius |
Rating Value for Money |
79.11% |
Palma de Mallorca |
Rating Value for Money |
59.15% |
Antwerp |
Rating Value for Money |
60.03% |
Aarhus |
Rating Value for Money |
Ljubliana |
Rating Value for Money |
47.07% |
Riga |
Rating Value for Money |
48.11% |
Utrecht |
Rating Value for Money |
Porto |
Rating Value for Money |
69.69% |
Belgrade |
Rating Value for Money |
49.21% |
Moscow |
Rating Value for Money |
Naples |
Rating Value for Money |
Marseille |
Rating Value for Money |
Bilbao |
Rating Value for Money |
Belfast |
Rating Value for Money |
Rotterdam |
Rating Value for Money |
Malaga |
Rating Value for Money |
65.81% |
Zagreb |
Rating Value for Money |
Leipzig |
Rating Value for Money |
Duesseldorf |
Rating Value for Money |
35.01% |
Las Palmas |
Rating Value for Money |
Birmingham |
Rating Value for Money |
Cardiff |
Rating Value for Money |
Leeds |
Rating Value for Money |
Catania |
Rating Value for Money |
Plovdiv |
Rating Value for Money |
Alicante |
Rating Value for Money |
Rome |
Rating Value for Money |
48.65% |
Bristol |
Rating Value for Money |
Liverpool |
Rating Value for Money |
Bochum |
Rating Value for Money |
Essen |
Rating Value for Money |
Hanover |
Rating Value for Money |
Minsk |
Rating Value for Money |
Nicosia |
Rating Value for Money |
Wrocław |
Rating Value for Money |
Thessaloniki |
Rating Value for Money |
Nice |
Rating Value for Money |
45.93% |
Sofia |
Rating Value for Money |
54.51% |
Brno |
Rating Value for Money |
Sarajevo |
Rating Value for Money |
Nuremberg |
Rating Value for Money |
Glasgow |
Rating Value for Money |
Dortmund |
Rating Value for Money |
Bielefeld |
Rating Value for Money |
Palermo |
Rating Value for Money |
Poznan |
Rating Value for Money |
Dresden |
Rating Value for Money |
Bari |
Rating Value for Money |
Malmö |
Rating Value for Money |
Genoa |
Rating Value for Money |
Łódź |
Rating Value for Money |
City |
"Funds raised 2019 (bn €)"() |
London |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
11.50 |
Berlin |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
2.80 |
Barcelona |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.34 |
Paris |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
5.30 |
Amsterdam |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
1.90 |
Lisbon |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Munich |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.94 |
Milan |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.12 |
Tallinn |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.37 |
Stockholm |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
2.20 |
Dublin |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.46 |
Madrid |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.33 |
Vienna |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.20 |
Zurich |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.47 |
Tel Aviv |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
1.80 |
Copenhagen |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.17 |
Warsaw |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.04 |
Oslo |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.25 |
Edinburgh |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.10 |
Brussels |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Bucharest |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.21 |
Cologne |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.03 |
Geneva |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.04 |
Hamburg |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.13 |
Luxembourg |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.03 |
Eindhoven |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.09 |
Turin |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Budapest |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.05 |
Krakow |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.10 |
Kiev |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Athens |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Valencia |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.07 |
Prague |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Lausanne |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.14 |
Helsinki |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.47 |
Lyon |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.12 |
Malta |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Trento |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Frankfurt |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Manchester |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.13 |
Cluj-Napoca |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Stuttgart |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Toulouse |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.04 |
Bratislava |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Istanbul |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.12 |
Bologna |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Gdansk |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
The Hague |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Vilnius |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Palma de Mallorca |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Antwerp |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Aarhus |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.07 |
Ljubliana |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Riga |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.02 |
Utrecht |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.09 |
Porto |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.02 |
Belgrade |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Moscow |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.02 |
Naples |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.04 |
Marseille |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.13 |
Bilbao |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Belfast |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.07 |
Rotterdam |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.04 |
Malaga |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Zagreb |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Leipzig |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Duesseldorf |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.21 |
Las Palmas |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Birmingham |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.06 |
Cardiff |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.04 |
Leeds |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.04 |
Catania |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Plovdiv |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Alicante |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Rome |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.02 |
Bristol |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.39 |
Liverpool |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Bochum |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Essen |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Hanover |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
Minsk |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Nicosia |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Wrocław |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.02 |
Thessaloniki |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Nice |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Sofia |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
Brno |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Sarajevo |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Nuremberg |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Glasgow |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.04 |
Dortmund |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Bielefeld |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.07 |
Palermo |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Poznan |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Dresden |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.15 |
Bari |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Malmö |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.29 |
Genoa |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.00 |
Łódź |
Funds raised 2019 (bn €) |
0.01 |
City |
"No. of investors"() |
London |
No. of investors |
116 |
Berlin |
No. of investors |
50 |
Barcelona |
No. of investors |
21 |
Paris |
No. of investors |
31 |
Amsterdam |
No. of investors |
18 |
Lisbon |
No. of investors |
12 |
Munich |
No. of investors |
22 |
Milan |
No. of investors |
8 |
Tallinn |
No. of investors |
4 |
Stockholm |
No. of investors |
38 |
Dublin |
No. of investors |
16 |
Madrid |
No. of investors |
13 |
Vienna |
No. of investors |
8 |
Zurich |
No. of investors |
4 |
Tel Aviv |
No. of investors |
21 |
Copenhagen |
No. of investors |
5 |
Warsaw |
No. of investors |
7 |
Oslo |
No. of investors |
4 |
Edinburgh |
No. of investors |
3 |
Brussels |
No. of investors |
2 |
Bucharest |
No. of investors |
Cologne |
No. of investors |
6 |
Geneva |
No. of investors |
3 |
Hamburg |
No. of investors |
3 |
Luxembourg |
No. of investors |
4 |
Eindhoven |
No. of investors |
Turin |
No. of investors |
Budapest |
No. of investors |
12 |
Krakow |
No. of investors |
2 |
Kiev |
No. of investors |
Athens |
No. of investors |
2 |
Valencia |
No. of investors |
Prague |
No. of investors |
5 |
Lausanne |
No. of investors |
1 |
Helsinki |
No. of investors |
18 |
Lyon |
No. of investors |
1 |
Malta |
No. of investors |
Trento |
No. of investors |
Frankfurt |
No. of investors |
4 |
Manchester |
No. of investors |
Cluj-Napoca |
No. of investors |
Stuttgart |
No. of investors |
3 |
Toulouse |
No. of investors |
Bratislava |
No. of investors |
1 |
Istanbul |
No. of investors |
13 |
Bologna |
No. of investors |
Gdansk |
No. of investors |
1 |
The Hague |
No. of investors |
1 |
Vilnius |
No. of investors |
2 |
Palma de Mallorca |
No. of investors |
Antwerp |
No. of investors |
1 |
Aarhus |
No. of investors |
Ljubliana |
No. of investors |
Riga |
No. of investors |
5 |
Utrecht |
No. of investors |
1 |
Porto |
No. of investors |
3 |
Belgrade |
No. of investors |
1 |
Moscow |
No. of investors |
11 |
Naples |
No. of investors |
Marseille |
No. of investors |
Bilbao |
No. of investors |
1 |
Belfast |
No. of investors |
4 |
Rotterdam |
No. of investors |
1 |
Malaga |
No. of investors |
Zagreb |
No. of investors |
1 |
Leipzig |
No. of investors |
Duesseldorf |
No. of investors |
Las Palmas |
No. of investors |
Birmingham |
No. of investors |
Cardiff |
No. of investors |
Leeds |
No. of investors |
Catania |
No. of investors |
Plovdiv |
No. of investors |
Alicante |
No. of investors |
Rome |
No. of investors |
8 |
Bristol |
No. of investors |
Liverpool |
No. of investors |
Bochum |
No. of investors |
Essen |
No. of investors |
Hanover |
No. of investors |
2 |
Minsk |
No. of investors |
Nicosia |
No. of investors |
Wrocław |
No. of investors |
Thessaloniki |
No. of investors |
Nice |
No. of investors |
Sofia |
No. of investors |
5 |
Brno |
No. of investors |
Sarajevo |
No. of investors |
Nuremberg |
No. of investors |
Glasgow |
No. of investors |
3 |
Dortmund |
No. of investors |
Bielefeld |
No. of investors |
Palermo |
No. of investors |
Poznan |
No. of investors |
2 |
Dresden |
No. of investors |
1 |
Bari |
No. of investors |
Malmö |
No. of investors |
2 |
Genoa |
No. of investors |
Łódź |
No. of investors |
City |
"Offices of Top 100 startups"() |
London |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
130 |
Berlin |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
37 |
Barcelona |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
12 |
Paris |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
42 |
Amsterdam |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
27 |
Lisbon |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Munich |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
6 |
Milan |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
4 |
Tallinn |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
5 |
Stockholm |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
7 |
Dublin |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
25 |
Madrid |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
17 |
Vienna |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
4 |
Zurich |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Tel Aviv |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
4 |
Copenhagen |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Warsaw |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
4 |
Oslo |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Edinburgh |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Brussels |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Bucharest |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Cologne |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Geneva |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Hamburg |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
7 |
Luxembourg |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Eindhoven |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Turin |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Budapest |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Krakow |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Kiev |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
5 |
Athens |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Valencia |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Prague |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
7 |
Lausanne |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Helsinki |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Lyon |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Malta |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Trento |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Frankfurt |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Manchester |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Cluj-Napoca |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Stuttgart |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Toulouse |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Bratislava |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Istanbul |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Bologna |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Gdansk |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
The Hague |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Vilnius |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
4 |
Palma de Mallorca |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Antwerp |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Aarhus |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Ljubliana |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Riga |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Utrecht |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Porto |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Belgrade |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Moscow |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Naples |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Marseille |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Bilbao |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Belfast |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Rotterdam |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Malaga |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Zagreb |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
5 |
Leipzig |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Duesseldorf |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Las Palmas |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Birmingham |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Cardiff |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Leeds |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Catania |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Plovdiv |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Alicante |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Rome |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Bristol |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Liverpool |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Bochum |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Essen |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Hanover |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Minsk |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Nicosia |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Wrocław |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Thessaloniki |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Nice |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Sofia |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
4 |
Brno |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
3 |
Sarajevo |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
2 |
Nuremberg |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Glasgow |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Dortmund |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Bielefeld |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Palermo |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Poznan |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Dresden |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Bari |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
0 |
Malmö |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Genoa |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
Łódź |
Offices of Top 100 startups |
1 |
City |
"Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €)"() |
London |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
49991.4 |
Berlin |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
35734.68 |
Barcelona |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
23682.72 |
Paris |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
36493.32 |
Amsterdam |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
46229.4 |
Lisbon |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
14558.52 |
Munich |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
38685 |
Milan |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
23235.48 |
Tallinn |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
18571.44 |
Stockholm |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
37523.04 |
Dublin |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
40614.24 |
Madrid |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
26260.08 |
Vienna |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
30499.56 |
Zurich |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
84791.64 |
Tel Aviv |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Copenhagen |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
44917.2 |
Warsaw |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
20852.52 |
Oslo |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
40639.2 |
Edinburgh |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
37980.96 |
Brussels |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
33049.32 |
Bucharest |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
13518.6 |
Cologne |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
36854.16 |
Geneva |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
82775.52 |
Hamburg |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
38169.48 |
Luxembourg |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
62204.04 |
Eindhoven |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
41394.84 |
Turin |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
20440.2 |
Budapest |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
13234.56 |
Krakow |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
20485.2 |
Kiev |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
5964.96 |
Athens |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
11886.48 |
Valencia |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
21938.28 |
Prague |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
20401.56 |
Lausanne |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
71630.04 |
Helsinki |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
33377.04 |
Lyon |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
30735.96 |
Malta |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Trento |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Frankfurt |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
41875.32 |
Manchester |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
36240.96 |
Cluj-Napoca |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
13585.92 |
Stuttgart |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
35991.6 |
Toulouse |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Bratislava |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
16475.28 |
Istanbul |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Bologna |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
22130.28 |
Gdansk |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
17945.64 |
The Hague |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
42777.72 |
Vilnius |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
17501.16 |
Palma de Mallorca |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Antwerp |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Aarhus |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
41685.24 |
Ljubliana |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
19227 |
Riga |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
14469 |
Utrecht |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
41249.28 |
Porto |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
14725.2 |
Belgrade |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
10329.12 |
Moscow |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
14243.64 |
Naples |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
14280 |
Marseille |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Bilbao |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Belfast |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
32166.48 |
Rotterdam |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
39627.84 |
Malaga |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
19594.08 |
Zagreb |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
18206.76 |
Leipzig |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
30338.16 |
Duesseldorf |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
35260.32 |
Las Palmas |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Birmingham |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
36629.16 |
Cardiff |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Leeds |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
36867.72 |
Catania |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Plovdiv |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
10611 |
Alicante |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Rome |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
20675.52 |
Bristol |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
37035.6 |
Liverpool |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
32625.72 |
Bochum |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Essen |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
37355.64 |
Hanover |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
31008.48 |
Minsk |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
7141.8 |
Nicosia |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Wrocław |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Thessaloniki |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
10881.84 |
Nice |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
32400 |
Sofia |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
15325.68 |
Brno |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
17629.08 |
Sarajevo |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
8860.68 |
Nuremberg |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
37344 |
Glasgow |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
38310.72 |
Dortmund |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
37266 |
Bielefeld |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Palermo |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Poznan |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
16271.64 |
Dresden |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
33707.28 |
Bari |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
18900 |
Malmö |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
31897.68 |
Genoa |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
Łódź |
Median Salary Developer (in thousands of €) |
0 |
City |
"% foreign-born founders"() |
London |
% foreign-born founders |
71.86% |
Berlin |
% foreign-born founders |
54.74% |
Barcelona |
% foreign-born founders |
46.03% |
Paris |
% foreign-born founders |
25.00% |
Amsterdam |
% foreign-born founders |
47.89% |
Lisbon |
% foreign-born founders |
22.03% |
Munich |
% foreign-born founders |
29.91% |
Milan |
% foreign-born founders |
18.31% |
Tallinn |
% foreign-born founders |
33.68% |
Stockholm |
% foreign-born founders |
34.94% |
Dublin |
% foreign-born founders |
28.07% |
Madrid |
% foreign-born founders |
30.00% |
Vienna |
% foreign-born founders |
35.53% |
Zurich |
% foreign-born founders |
61.02% |
Tel Aviv |
% foreign-born founders |
10.00% |
Copenhagen |
% foreign-born founders |
42.86% |
Warsaw |
% foreign-born founders |
21.79% |
Oslo |
% foreign-born founders |
45.00% |
Edinburgh |
% foreign-born founders |
66.67% |
Brussels |
% foreign-born founders |
29.27% |
Bucharest |
% foreign-born founders |
11.29% |
Cologne |
% foreign-born founders |
4.29% |
Geneva |
% foreign-born founders |
66.43% |
Hamburg |
% foreign-born founders |
25.93% |
Luxembourg |
% foreign-born founders |
60.87% |
Eindhoven |
% foreign-born founders |
23.61% |
Turin |
% foreign-born founders |
9.82% |
Budapest |
% foreign-born founders |
5.71% |
Krakow |
% foreign-born founders |
16.67% |
Kiev |
% foreign-born founders |
20.83% |
Athens |
% foreign-born founders |
9.84% |
Valencia |
% foreign-born founders |
8.70% |
Prague |
% foreign-born founders |
21.15% |
Lausanne |
% foreign-born founders |
58.33% |
Helsinki |
% foreign-born founders |
38.46% |
Lyon |
% foreign-born founders |
26.09% |
Malta |
% foreign-born founders |
Trento |
% foreign-born founders |
19.35% |
Frankfurt |
% foreign-born founders |
21.05% |
Manchester |
% foreign-born founders |
56.30% |
Cluj-Napoca |
% foreign-born founders |
3.13% |
Stuttgart |
% foreign-born founders |
32.22% |
Toulouse |
% foreign-born founders |
26.09% |
Bratislava |
% foreign-born founders |
14.81% |
Istanbul |
% foreign-born founders |
6.45% |
Bologna |
% foreign-born founders |
9.82% |
Gdansk |
% foreign-born founders |
16.67% |
The Hague |
% foreign-born founders |
46.15% |
Vilnius |
% foreign-born founders |
28.57% |
Palma de Mallorca |
% foreign-born founders |
Antwerp |
% foreign-born founders |
11.11% |
Aarhus |
% foreign-born founders |
33.33% |
Ljubliana |
% foreign-born founders |
Riga |
% foreign-born founders |
23.53% |
Utrecht |
% foreign-born founders |
Porto |
% foreign-born founders |
10.61% |
Belgrade |
% foreign-born founders |
5.41% |
Moscow |
% foreign-born founders |
Naples |
% foreign-born founders |
Marseille |
% foreign-born founders |
26.09% |
Bilbao |
% foreign-born founders |
34.89% |
Belfast |
% foreign-born founders |
56.30% |
Rotterdam |
% foreign-born founders |
62.50% |
Malaga |
% foreign-born founders |
34.89% |
Zagreb |
% foreign-born founders |
21.43% |
Leipzig |
% foreign-born founders |
32.22% |
Duesseldorf |
% foreign-born founders |
32.22% |
Las Palmas |
% foreign-born founders |
Birmingham |
% foreign-born founders |
56.30% |
Cardiff |
% foreign-born founders |
56.30% |
Leeds |
% foreign-born founders |
Catania |
% foreign-born founders |
9.82% |
Plovdiv |
% foreign-born founders |
11.11% |
Alicante |
% foreign-born founders |
Rome |
% foreign-born founders |
16.67% |
Bristol |
% foreign-born founders |
56.30% |
Liverpool |
% foreign-born founders |
56.30% |
Bochum |
% foreign-born founders |
32.22% |
Essen |
% foreign-born founders |
32.22% |
Hanover |
% foreign-born founders |
32.22% |
Minsk |
% foreign-born founders |
Nicosia |
% foreign-born founders |
Wrocław |
% foreign-born founders |
15.79% |
Thessaloniki |
% foreign-born founders |
Nice |
% foreign-born founders |
36.36% |
Sofia |
% foreign-born founders |
11.65% |
Brno |
% foreign-born founders |
25.00% |
Sarajevo |
% foreign-born founders |
Nuremberg |
% foreign-born founders |
32.22% |
Glasgow |
% foreign-born founders |
20.00% |
Dortmund |
% foreign-born founders |
32.22% |
Bielefeld |
% foreign-born founders |
5.26% |
Palermo |
% foreign-born founders |
9.82% |
Poznan |
% foreign-born founders |
16.67% |
Dresden |
% foreign-born founders |
9.09% |
Bari |
% foreign-born founders |
9.82% |
Malmö |
% foreign-born founders |
33.00% |
Genoa |
% foreign-born founders |
9.82% |
Łódź |
% foreign-born founders |
16.67% |
City |
"No. of News Mentions"() |
London |
No. of News Mentions |
116 |
Berlin |
No. of News Mentions |
50 |
Barcelona |
No. of News Mentions |
21 |
Paris |
No. of News Mentions |
31 |
Amsterdam |
No. of News Mentions |
18 |
Lisbon |
No. of News Mentions |
12 |
Munich |
No. of News Mentions |
22 |
Milan |
No. of News Mentions |
8 |
Tallinn |
No. of News Mentions |
4 |
Stockholm |
No. of News Mentions |
38 |
Dublin |
No. of News Mentions |
16 |
Madrid |
No. of News Mentions |
13 |
Vienna |
No. of News Mentions |
8 |
Zurich |
No. of News Mentions |
4 |
Tel Aviv |
No. of News Mentions |
21 |
Copenhagen |
No. of News Mentions |
5 |
Warsaw |
No. of News Mentions |
7 |
Oslo |
No. of News Mentions |
4 |
Edinburgh |
No. of News Mentions |
3 |
Brussels |
No. of News Mentions |
2 |
Bucharest |
No. of News Mentions |
Cologne |
No. of News Mentions |
6 |
Geneva |
No. of News Mentions |
3 |
Hamburg |
No. of News Mentions |
3 |
Luxembourg |
No. of News Mentions |
4 |
Eindhoven |
No. of News Mentions |
Turin |
No. of News Mentions |
Budapest |
No. of News Mentions |
12 |
Krakow |
No. of News Mentions |
2 |
Kiev |
No. of News Mentions |
Athens |
No. of News Mentions |
2 |
Valencia |
No. of News Mentions |
Prague |
No. of News Mentions |
5 |
Lausanne |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Helsinki |
No. of News Mentions |
18 |
Lyon |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Malta |
No. of News Mentions |
Trento |
No. of News Mentions |
Frankfurt |
No. of News Mentions |
4 |
Manchester |
No. of News Mentions |
Cluj-Napoca |
No. of News Mentions |
Stuttgart |
No. of News Mentions |
3 |
Toulouse |
No. of News Mentions |
Bratislava |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Istanbul |
No. of News Mentions |
13 |
Bologna |
No. of News Mentions |
Gdansk |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
The Hague |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Vilnius |
No. of News Mentions |
2 |
Palma de Mallorca |
No. of News Mentions |
Antwerp |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Aarhus |
No. of News Mentions |
Ljubliana |
No. of News Mentions |
Riga |
No. of News Mentions |
5 |
Utrecht |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Porto |
No. of News Mentions |
3 |
Belgrade |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Moscow |
No. of News Mentions |
11 |
Naples |
No. of News Mentions |
Marseille |
No. of News Mentions |
Bilbao |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Belfast |
No. of News Mentions |
4 |
Rotterdam |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Malaga |
No. of News Mentions |
Zagreb |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Leipzig |
No. of News Mentions |
Duesseldorf |
No. of News Mentions |
Las Palmas |
No. of News Mentions |
Birmingham |
No. of News Mentions |
Cardiff |
No. of News Mentions |
Leeds |
No. of News Mentions |
Catania |
No. of News Mentions |
Plovdiv |
No. of News Mentions |
Alicante |
No. of News Mentions |
Rome |
No. of News Mentions |
8 |
Bristol |
No. of News Mentions |
Liverpool |
No. of News Mentions |
Bochum |
No. of News Mentions |
Essen |
No. of News Mentions |
Hanover |
No. of News Mentions |
2 |
Minsk |
No. of News Mentions |
Nicosia |
No. of News Mentions |
Wrocław |
No. of News Mentions |
Thessaloniki |
No. of News Mentions |
Nice |
No. of News Mentions |
Sofia |
No. of News Mentions |
5 |
Brno |
No. of News Mentions |
Sarajevo |
No. of News Mentions |
Nuremberg |
No. of News Mentions |
Glasgow |
No. of News Mentions |
3 |
Dortmund |
No. of News Mentions |
Bielefeld |
No. of News Mentions |
Palermo |
No. of News Mentions |
Poznan |
No. of News Mentions |
2 |
Dresden |
No. of News Mentions |
1 |
Bari |
No. of News Mentions |
Malmö |
No. of News Mentions |
2 |
Genoa |
No. of News Mentions |
Łódź |
No. of News Mentions |
City |
"No. accelerated startups"() |
London |
No. accelerated startups |
140 |
Berlin |
No. accelerated startups |
134 |
Barcelona |
No. accelerated startups |
39 |
Paris |
No. accelerated startups |
223 |
Amsterdam |
No. accelerated startups |
70 |
Lisbon |
No. accelerated startups |
43 |
Munich |
No. accelerated startups |
124 |
Milan |
No. accelerated startups |
45 |
Tallinn |
No. accelerated startups |
17 |
Stockholm |
No. accelerated startups |
100 |
Dublin |
No. accelerated startups |
74 |
Madrid |
No. accelerated startups |
20 |
Vienna |
No. accelerated startups |
49 |
Zurich |
No. accelerated startups |
58 |
Tel Aviv |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Copenhagen |
No. accelerated startups |
84 |
Warsaw |
No. accelerated startups |
19 |
Oslo |
No. accelerated startups |
56 |
Edinburgh |
No. accelerated startups |
6 |
Brussels |
No. accelerated startups |
98 |
Bucharest |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Cologne |
No. accelerated startups |
45 |
Geneva |
No. accelerated startups |
10 |
Hamburg |
No. accelerated startups |
11 |
Luxembourg |
No. accelerated startups |
25 |
Eindhoven |
No. accelerated startups |
12 |
Turin |
No. accelerated startups |
72 |
Budapest |
No. accelerated startups |
33 |
Krakow |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Kiev |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Athens |
No. accelerated startups |
3 |
Valencia |
No. accelerated startups |
227 |
Prague |
No. accelerated startups |
4 |
Lausanne |
No. accelerated startups |
79 |
Helsinki |
No. accelerated startups |
8 |
Lyon |
No. accelerated startups |
8 |
Malta |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Trento |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Frankfurt |
No. accelerated startups |
3 |
Manchester |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Cluj-Napoca |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Stuttgart |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Toulouse |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Bratislava |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Istanbul |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Bologna |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Gdansk |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
The Hague |
No. accelerated startups |
10 |
Vilnius |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Palma de Mallorca |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Antwerp |
No. accelerated startups |
20 |
Aarhus |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Ljubliana |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Riga |
No. accelerated startups |
13 |
Utrecht |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Porto |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Belgrade |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Moscow |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Naples |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Marseille |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Bilbao |
No. accelerated startups |
14 |
Belfast |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Rotterdam |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Malaga |
No. accelerated startups |
8 |
Zagreb |
No. accelerated startups |
11 |
Leipzig |
No. accelerated startups |
20 |
Duesseldorf |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Las Palmas |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Birmingham |
No. accelerated startups |
10 |
Cardiff |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Leeds |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Catania |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Plovdiv |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Alicante |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Rome |
No. accelerated startups |
6 |
Bristol |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Liverpool |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Bochum |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Essen |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Hanover |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Minsk |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Nicosia |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Wrocław |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Thessaloniki |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Nice |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Sofia |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Brno |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Sarajevo |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Nuremberg |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Glasgow |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Dortmund |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Bielefeld |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Palermo |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Poznan |
No. accelerated startups |
21 |
Dresden |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Bari |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Malmö |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Genoa |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |
Łódź |
No. accelerated startups |
0 |